Xbox Controller Controlling Both Sessions - Steam Big Picture

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Xbox Controller Controlling Both Sessions - Steam Big Picture

Post by tomy137 » Fri May 03, 2024 12:34 pm

Hello there!

After gaining extensive experience with Aster and managing multiple complex configurations, I've encountered a new issue that I'm unable to resolve.

  • A computer with two sessions/screens, with Aster installed and configured.
  • One Xbox controller associated exclusively with one session.

Steps to Reproduce:
  • Run a game on the first session/screen using Steam with the controller; everything runs fine. (1.2 - "Salon" in screenshot)
  • Simultaneously, launch Steam Big Picture on the second session: the cursor moves without any keyboard/mouse action. In fact, Steam Big Picture is being controlled by the controller from the first session! It seems the controller is sending actions to both sessions. If a game is launched through Big Picture, the controller from the first session also controls the game on the second session. (1.1 - "Bureau" in screenshot)
It seems that the problem is linked to conflicts between Steam's controller management and Aster.

Without Big Picture, everything runs fine. Has anyone else faced this situation before?

Thanks in advance for your time ! :D

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Re: Xbox Controller Controlling Both Sessions - Steam Big Picture

Post by tom10199 » Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:23 am

Controller Configuration: Check the controller settings in Steam for both sessions. Make sure that the controller is only configured for the session where you want it to be active. You might need to disable any shared controller settings.

Big Picture Mode Settings: Sometimes, Big Picture Mode can take control of input devices in unexpected ways. In the Steam settings, try disabling "Use Big Picture Mode" for the session where you don't want the controller to interfere.

Session Isolation: Ensure that Aster is properly isolating the sessions. You may want to revisit the configuration settings for Aster to confirm that input devices are being correctly assigned to each session.

Steam Input Per-Game Setting: For games launched through Steam, check if you can set the input method to "Forced Off" or "Disabled" for the second session.

Community Forums: Since this seems to be a specific issue with Aster and Steam, you might find others who have faced similar challenges in community forums or on platforms like Reddit.

Update Software: Ensure that both Aster and Steam are up to date, as updates may include fixes for such issues.

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